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GGym Training & Fitness

Pre-training pump 🥹
Message need advise
This is so depressing, idk what is wrong this week, i just can not get it together. And it's pretty upsetting.
>>> This is so depressing, idk what is wrong t... It's gonna be alright you've gotta think of the fact that you still showed up even if you couldn't do what you planned to
That's right!
Anyone want to let me send them pics but you have to compliment me in return? Preferably my age or younger.
Hey gym trainers
Hahah what does age have to do with it?
Why not someone in your age range in general? Why not someone who is super fit in their mid 50s? Haha
Finished pretty strong id say!
Hmu if you love the gym
Heyyy 🙂
What is the best biceps exercise
>>> What is the best biceps exercise Mine are: Alternate dumbbell biceps curls(sitting on the edge of a bench), overhand biceps curls on cable, single arm alternating and triceps rope but from downward angle, pulling up and out
Okay 👍💪
Im gonna try 😁
Heyy 🙂
Nice pic
Hi snickers
Freeckin freck 🤌🤌
So many fit dudes and ladies here. I’m curious who had the most impressive weight loss journey
Deadlift night... Busted my shorts 😅😅
Ahoy 🙂
Are there any muscular men gymbro here?❤️
I doubt it honestly ,🤭
Thats a bro for suuure 💀🤣
any gym guys dm me
Just got out of prison. Can’t message anyone. Haha