Oh no, hopefully not too much longer
Oh yeah dang, that a bust.
I can't complain, a little tired but not bad
Yes ma'am, plus tomorrow is Friday
Any plans for the weekend
If the weather is nice ill probably go for a ride
They have popped in from time to time
Ask and you shall receive, laying down the law!
Yeah I can understand that
Refer to ripping spines out of belly buttons
I am just chilling, finishing up things around the house
Yeah I am just workin the house, its a never ending task
Not really, more like improvement
It came with basic fixtures, basic appliances stuff like that
Yeah trying ti make it have a personal feeling to it
So far I have replaces the fishbowl looking light fixtures, with more modern looking ones, and added three ceiling fans, upgraded the fridge, microwave and dishwasher.
Next is working in the laundry room, I have to run a wire to the washer, so it hadits own circuit, like it is supposed to
Yeah its been over time. Something tends to come up though
I thought all the apps like this were getting deleted