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Hey yall. I think my wife messed around with a friend at the concert we went to Friday. Could use someone to talk it out with
Define “messed around” and are your sources reliable?
Umm I think they maybe made out and got handsy? Wasn’t time for much more than that. And the source is my eyes and her texts with him afterwards
Maybe start with asking your wife about it. And if it does bother you, let her know. It’s very important to be clear what the boundaries are with you and her
There is something called “opened marriage”. Is this what you both want? If not, let your partner (wife) know. And if it’s something that she’s opened to and you’re not…you both need a serious conversation about it
Hello 👋🏻
I had a crush on a guy. I was supposed to meet him in 3 weeks but now I don’t know. we argued on a stupid thing in game and he is like so confrontational and narrow minded. I’m like well “it’s just a game at the end of the day “ and for him it’s soo serious and unwilling to solve it
We know each other for a year
Sounds like my ex 😂😂😂😂🤣 sorry
I think my wife messed around with our friend Friday at a concert
And she swears nothing happened but I’m sure something did
If she said nothing happened, you either take it face value or you don’t. And if you choose not to, then trust is already broken. So it’s up to you on how you wanna approach and handle the situation. Are you ok with losing her over this?
I just want to know the truth. If she drunkenly made out with him we can talk about it and move on
He’s engaged to her best friend so I don’t think there’s a continuing thing
You can try asking your buddy that was potentially involved…but do you think he will tell you the honest truth or give you the same answer as your wife did?
Hey anyone here??
How are you 🥰
Still okay I guess
Okeey can I meet you
Meet me? No
I mean make an acquaintance hear us
Qwerty is your hubby's behaviour changed
I’m not sure how to answer that. Overall though he has behaved like this many times. It’s just the recent purchase which is new for the most part. It’s just all a little too much now though. I feel like it may be the end of us.
Morning everyone. Anyone awake yet?
Just got here 😁😁😁
Hy everyone I’m new here
Actually I’m here to share something
I have finger hair and my boyfriend laughed at me for that and he said I should braid my finger hair
😭😭😭😭I’m too embarrassed so I’m here to vent
What’s finger hair?
🤷 your guess is as good as mine
You guys don’t?? Like hair on your knuckles
I have them too, but they’re not that bad.
Is that what those are called? 🤦
I need advice
Can I send picture here of the conversation so the context will be more clear
Hahaha i just assumed honestly
He left after that 😭😭😭 I was just joking
They clearly didn’t know you were joking 🤷 so I guess it’s a case of a bad joke gone wrong? Could be a blessing in disguise as well, pending on context ofc. He either wasn’t that into you to begin with 🤔 (blessing in disguise) or he doesn’t like it when his gal tries to control him or an extreme….he’s a narcissist and likes to play the victim card 😂😂😂😂😂🤣
Possibilities are endless, really. Just move on and be careful who you joke with. Lotsa sensitive ppl and you dunno if they’ll take it the wrong way
All the best 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
Hey yall !!!!!
I’m new and just trynna really get advice on my relationship…
Okayyyy . Yall dead in here.😭😭😭
Ask away 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻