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RRelationship Advice💌📱

Just help me a tad too after each quote
Good morning everyone ☕️
Good morning DarkLight
FEAR : Face Everything And Rise OR Forget Everything And Run
🔥 quotes 🫶
Lol, all of my stuff is dark
It balances everything out i like it
Idk if it’s just my theory, but I feel like who falls in love first, falls out of love first too in a relationship
I think it varies, but it makes sense to assume those who fall in fast fall out just as quickly
It depends. Not necessarily
All I can say from my experience is that love evolves over time in a relationship , it’s just different in beginning
Good morning everyone 😇
Hi meow cat
how are u?
I’m good
glad to hear
And yourself?
doing great
its a rock band
Oh lol
guessing your not a rock listener 😅✌️
I do listen to rock but much older stock
More classic rock
Before your time rock lol
lol understood
But I enjoy most genres of music
thats good
I made a new acc cuz I felt embarrassed and deleted the app 😅 but thank you for helping bump it out
I was venting about my “relationship” and trust issues yesterday and I was nervous about it being left in the open in chat because it was so quiet in here
Still facing the same issue tho. Don’t know what I should do.