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Goodmorning 😄✨️☕️
Good timezone everyone😊
Good morning from somewhere stupid
hello from somewhere 🥹
I'm dumb and I I'm stuck up north 😅
Hi everyone
Hey what's wrong with up north 😭
I don't drive in the snow 🤷🏻‍♀️
>>> I'm dumb and I I'm stuck ... Unstuck yourself, you got this
I live in Southern Michigan, lol 😂
I'm north all the time, but now I'm up at the top of the state....I should have waited
There's still snow there 😢 gross
Of course there is, this is the north
I just want it to be warm like a nice 75
That sounds nice
Here it will go from the 30s straight to the 80s and above, lol
Its been like that here 😢 warm this morning but supposed to go down in the 30s im over it 😂
Hope you made it to your place by now
A guy asked me if I’m a virgin because I refused to send my picture 😂😂😂
That is kinda funny
Good news, my grandmother and I will not have any issues getting back home. The roads are clear and no snow till tomorrow. Bad news, I had to put 2 friendships down like terminally ill animals....this tense political climate here is brutal
Oh noo
Thankfully one just lives so far away that I won't have to deal with them hardly ever 🤣
The other one is my bfs brother, that might go over rough...
Oh 😣
I'm just not going to say anything about it to him, it should be alright, at least for awhile
So much for that, the guy already messaged my bf to complain about it, lol
hi everyone
been awhile since i last chatted here lol
hows everyone doin?
Doing great
Not bad, thanks
glad to hear
Hello group
Happy Weekend