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RRelationship Advice💌📱

Virtually?? U mean
Please, don’t fall for that
My parents dont like the virtual they want it to deliver here
bluebird >> 🎁🌹 >> Churros 📵 (+₭500)< [rose][1][11]
Seenn even i can give u virtual flowers too gurl
I understand my parents but i also understand my bf his not well off but his making an effort
>>> My parents dont like the virtual they want... Your parents right
American men don’t want to move to Asia to have a family and support a woman financially.
The mindset is very different
>>> I understand my parents but i also underst... Is him come to your country?
Don’t waste your time on that
He said he gonna visit this year i dont know
>>> He said he gonna visit this year i dont know Well, don't trust anyone
Were always on phone everyday vid call or chat even on his break at work
>>> But he give me virtually just he cant give... It’s easy you download a delivery app for the country you reside in n get then dekivered to your country
>>> It’s easy you download a delivery app for ... He doesnt know this
If he is from the states depending on the country you reside in it should be cheaper
Even i dont know how
There's such a app ?
Aww thank u bluebird
Yes I had many things sent overseas while residing in America
Delivery apps r in most countries
I dont know that
What we are trying to say
Ill check with my bf
Is that it seems like excuses
You don’t need to check anything
You can either check his behaviour
Or you can just ….
Do as your parents say
justvtrying to say it is pretty easy to send gifts now a days. I have friends all over the world n manage to send them items for birthdays or just if they had a bad day.
Your parents have their reasons
In my opinion, I have others
>>> justvtrying to say it is pretty easy to se... He said he dont know how cause its also new to him
I understand alzola and thank you
Well now he knows I hope you get real flowers
Thank u Jay. I will tell him once his back
Anytime best of luck I hope it works out for you!!
Mod Jay ✨☺️
If they wanted to, they would. All the best ✨