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PPolyamory Life

Nice! Welcome back 🙂
Hello to all
What's everyone up to
Goodmorning to everyone
Ooh. Poly Dom
Hey? How are you?
What a long day. Sheesh.
It'll be ok. You made it through.
Thank you! You're right. Now I can make a tea and put my feet up.
>>> I have been off this app for a long time. ... Good to have you both 😊
You're Welcome so much and yes, you can. Or I cam make it while you relax
Haha awww. Well that's kind of ya.
Thank you. Nothing like being kind to a beautiful woman
Shift number 4 over and done with
Hey, everyone ❤️
Hope you're all having a good night.
Coop, do you ever do long distance?
She's the cutest
>>> Coop, do you ever do long distance? I have been known to do long distance, but I really hope to eliminate all the distance one day.
>>> She's the cutest Awww ^_^
You're welcome so much
CoOp you look incredible
What's good over here everyone
Not much it's pretty quiet
Coop is 🥵
poly lesbian couple here nyc
Mrs lone 👋
How is everyone tonight? ^_^
Single poly male here
>>> How is everyone tonight? ^_^ Doing well. Did an edible and chilling out with my pup
Morning all
I need a tea.
And to put my feet up. Long day.
Coop, do you read erotic fiction?
>>> Coop, do you read erotic fiction? Not really. Maybe it's because I'm a writer? 🙂
The time I have for reading, I tend to read the genre I write.
Gorgeous coop
Ooh. You can write?
Sounds like a cool lifestyle to me