I'm like a cave man reading the beautiful etchings of an advanced species
That's really sweet lol. I feel like that might be too much credit.
Well I'm known to be dramatic
Can I ask what your degree is in
Teaching degree. I plan to eventually teach Welsh in the UK to school children
Wow they will be so fortunate to have you
I feel you'll make the lessons come live
I hope I can make a difference. 🙂
Even if we impact one soul it's worth it
I think so too. I'm really excited 😊
Well I'm going to bed but I hope you have a good night
Thank you, nice chatting to you. Night!
And thank you for the movie recommendations
Just chilling. Enjoying life.
Just waking up. Hope everyone is doing well.
100% You're all so pretty
Watching the new invincible ep
Same here. I'm about to make a tea or something.
>>> Ooo love tea
This one has honey, vanilla, cream, and chamomile.
I love to make a fresh pot of chai
Or the jasmine dragon tea from coffee bean. So good
I love Chinese tea too. Usually buy the large cakes when they're able to be imported but they pricey
Those sound so nice. Jasmine is one of my favourites.
It's lovely and fragrant, also became obsessed after the passing of Uncle Iroh. Rip
Yours sounds like I'd love it right before bed