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Seems to me you like starting with not taking hints.
Lol what was the hint? So I can clarify my response
I think you must be denser than tungsten.
Lol aww. Not the insults
Is calling water wet an insult 🤔
Oh man. My sinuses.
>>> Is calling water wet an insult 🤔 Lol yes, if it's ice
>>> Oh man. My sinuses. I hope you feel better.
One of the boyfriends went out to get more Dayquil. Thank god.
>>> I hope you feel better. Thank you
You're Welcome So Much
>>> One of the boyfriends went out to get more... He knows what to do
Hey, C8. Hope you've been okay.
I suppose like everything, “perception is reality”
Another day that I’m still on the right side of the dirt 🫶, thanks!
Haha well good.
>>> I suppose like everything, “perception is ... Exactly. No lies detected there.
I'm too cute to have a cold. This is an injustice.
I dunno, bet that virus is feeling pretty lucky right now 😜
Definitely isn't right. Why would the world do this to you?
>>> I dunno, bet that virus is feeling pretty ... I think so!
>>> Definitely isn't right. Why would the worl... No idea. I suffer. 😋
Boyfriend 1 is picking up some of this Thai coconut soup that I love so much. This is gonna be great.
>>> No idea. I suffer. 😋 Lol definitely suffering, but it'll be ok.
>>> Boyfriend 1 is picking up some of this Tha... Yes, definitely. Glad you're getting all the ingredients you need to feel better
Me too. It's day two of being sick. But it will pass
Yes, it will pass. Two days? I usually suffer in silence though, because I never took colds seriously when it came to me. I did when it came to other ppl though. Just not me. Idky
I almost never get sick, but when I do, it's pretty bad. No ignoring it for me.
Yea. I get that. I got sick one time to where everything on me was hurting. Haven't been sick since then, but I feel you though. Sorry you can't ignore, but I'm sure your boyfriends will get you fixed tight on up.
I've had some time off work to listen to audiobooks and play video games (when I can focus) so that's nice.
What kind of games do you like to play?
Right now I'm in Valheim and The Long Dark. But I'm a nerd so also The Sims 4. 😬
Lol I'll play the Sims 4, but I honestly never heard of Valheim or The Long Dark. Definitely need status for sure
Haha well look them up. They've been so much fun.
Lol I'll look them up one day. I see that you got your soup and orange juice
Time to feel better. 🫶🏾🫶🏾🫶🏾
100% I'm on a mission to...pass out again lol. Chat later everyone ❤️
Lol chat later with you. Maybe. Go do what you gotta do
Never thought I'd be so happy to snuggle an ice pack.
I got some choc coop
Oh nice! I hope you enjoy it. I think I have some chocolate peanut butter fudge hiding about.
Ooh gross
I got some curly wurlys fudge and some smarties
You don't like fudge?
Yeah I do
Iv also got wispas maltesers