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PPolyamory Life

Alright. That sounds interesting
Have you read or would recommend any books based on PolyamoryPolyamorous relationships
Polywise and Polysecure by Jessica Fern. That's a good start.
The Ethical Sl*t is a good resource for ENM folks,
More Than Two was decent even though the guy who wrote it is kinda...not chill.
>>> Polywise and Polysecure by Jessica Fern. T... I have heard of these two books. I'll look more into them
>>> The Ethical Sl*t is a good resource for EN... This is definitely a good read. I kind of enjoyed it
>>> More Than Two was decent even though the g... I'll check this out as well
Do you do fluid bonding
I prefer to keep those things to myself.
I respect that. So, I assume you based in the U.K
Hey poly folks. ❤️
Everyone doing okay?
>>> Everyone doing okay? Hanging in there!
Doin alright 🖤
Rough day?
Just working a lot of hours right now, so trying to push through the busy season
Working through some things but not the worst kind of day 😊
Awww well hopefully it slows soon and you can put your feet up.
>>> Working through some things but not the wo... Good. I'm glad.
>>> Awww well hopefully it slows soon and you ... 1 more month! 😃
I had a really long day at work today. Unusually hard. But I got a small small bottle of wine and some Chinese.
Put some cartoons on.
What you watching?
>>> I had a really long day at work today. Unu... Sounds like a great way to unwind after a rough day
When Marnie Was There.
I'm not normally an anime person, but it's based on a novel that I loved
Nice 😊
>>> I'm not normally an anime person, but it's... Interesting, I've never heard of it
The book was great, and the movie is beautifully animated.
"I missed you. I called for you and in my heart I shouted."
Lovely book.
I'm waiting for the NRE to run out and wondering what will be left when it does 🤔
Interesting thought
Well if you take feelings off the table, what about that persons innate qualities logically work for you?
They tick a bunch of my boxes, I'm just not sure our personalities mesh long term.
Well pretend you are hypothetically broken up. What about them would you miss, what about them wouldn’t you miss?
Aka try to analyze without the rose colored glasses
I just think we are more chemistry than compatibility.
Not overly stressed about it, I'm going to let it run it's course
Hello all
>>> They tick a bunch of my boxes, I'm just no... Oof not intending to chime in but wife and I just went through this. Turned out she was just a narcissist. No fun
I’m guess for me, NRE should be building a foundation for the future to stand on, but I get how that doesn’t work for everyone else