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PPolyamory Life

How ya doing?
Just chilling in my office at work. It’s a Friday. Cant wait to get the day done. How about you?
Also sitting at work waiting for the day to be done. Lol
Haha. Any fun plans this weekend?
Just gaming I think. After errands
What games will you be playing?
Stardew valley mostly and Fortnite.
I might play sonic
I LOVE Stardew Valley so much. I still haven’t tried the co-op yet. It’s such a fun game.
It is. I play with BF sometimes and my 7 year old loves it lol
It’s just a perfect chill game. My wife really got into it when it first came out. She is more on another Fallout 4/Gas Station Simulator run right now
Bf is into Mass Effect at the moment. Thats his current obsession.
Oof, feel sorry for him when he gets to the end
Never really got into Mass Effect.
I easily had over 400 hours in mass effect, but that ending was soul crushing
I’ve tried for his sake but I get lost in the world easily.
He’s played it through like 5 times now. Lol. He’s not a fan of the ending either but he’s used to it at this point lol
That’s a lot of time. I know it’s a great game, I just haven’t gotten around to trying it. Sorry that the ending isn’t that good
lol glutton for punishment then 😂
Yes he is. Gonna try andromeda next but I’ve heard it’s trash
I tried a little but the world is confusing to me. I have no sense of direction lol
I don’t like the island lol
Haha no? Why is that?
Plus it takes to much time to get there and back.
Haven’t done much gaming for a while
You should do more
Yeah that’s true. Even if you use the totems to the beach. But there is an obelisk you can get that will warp you there, at least that’s what I was told
Makes sense but still not a fan usually.
Yeah I should I got the rest of the day and tomoz
You should try Stardew valley
Okay so for your farm, do you focus on a specific thing like artisan goods or animals or crops?
Mostly crops
And fishing lol
Nice. I’m so impatient when it comes to getting the gigantic crops lol
I do like the fishing, easy money
I actually got a giant melon yesterday on my game. 😁
I’m also trying to get to max level with everyone and essentially date the whole town haha
Oh yeah? Thats awesome! I like the look of the giant crops so if I got one, I don’t think I could ever harvest it
I usually go for Sebastian or Sam lol
Haha nice. I generally go for Abigail because the hair and I think she is a certified freak.
I went with Emily once.
I try almost everyone except Harvey. Just can’t deal with his weirdness
Abby is cool too
I haven’t dated any of the females yet
Yeah Harvey is very weird to me.
Emily was cool because she gave me random gemstones
I’m currently playing the TCG Shop Simulator on Steam. I saw one of my favorite YouTubers playing it and it looked fun so I got it