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MMilitary Gulag

Funny how you guys were taking about the sims. My step dad is retired military and does something with the simulators now
lol yeah simulators are cool
My boy loves flight combat simulators lol
That’s probably the type of sim he’s part of.
Hi there 👋👋 how are You people?
We were sleeping lol
Morning comrades
I mean I basically do that everyday at the creek
I used to do that everyday on the fleet lol
That’s yet to register in my brain 😦
Maybe you just aren’t doing the right kinda work 😏
All work is good work in the gulag
I mean all work is good work, but not all work is “fulfilling” work 😜
Gulag has fulfilling rock mines 😈
What up comrades
Back to reality I head sad face 😞
Oh I’m clearly not living up to my potential
Already done your vacation?
I haven’t at all
I start this Friday!
Immediately had Eminem lyrics pop into my head 😂 also 🫂
Don’t recognize it but
“back to reality, OHH! there goes gravity”
Dang I can’t even say the lyric it’s says it’s personal info lol
The song is “lose yourself” by Eminem
It’s like one of his classics
Leather jacket
Oh there’s goes rabbit, he choked he’s so mad but he won’t give up that easy
It’s leather cause their from jersey, living in Florida not using sunscreen
We can talk here buddy
Yeah that’s why I like not living in Florida. I can dress more my style
What is your style?
Joggers jackets long sleeves
Boots are okay.
With the fur
>>> We can talk here buddy Nice ahah
Idk I wouldn’t say fur lol
I just like stuff that I couldn’t wear in Florida
You could have the whole club looking at you But I get it, I like layers