It was too hot for you huh 😜
Dude looks like a nug of weed
I thought yall were complaining about the cold tho! 😂
You missed the pic Riley! It was steamy
“The” pic? I thought anti didn’t allow steamy stuff anymore?
That’s why it’s not up anymore
Well my dms are cold and could use a good warming up! 😂
As shown by the dents in our skulls
Is that why mine is flat now?!
What I did earlier last week
Just remember kids, don’t lie about your veteran status and your military status
Well I did serve in the navy
Lmao just don’t lie and especially if you’re lying, don’t let me find out
(Had to deal with that recently lol)
I thought you already knew
I have also done 2 hell weeks
This sounds like juicy tea! 😳
Gee yall finally get snow?
Lmao did everyone else know??
If you guys know something let me know I’m not all knowing lol