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For your insurance to cover
Yours is lower
If you get hurt, break your arm
So basically my insurance will be covered just not 100%
But mostly covered
With a little copay?
It costs a certain amount
I got kaiser permanente
Makes sense
You have to pay a percentage of itor a set amount
I just wanted to go for doctors visits
And then your insurance pays the rest.
Mostly but no major problems usually
Same premise.
Thanks gee
I feel stupid
My only other insurance before this was medicaid
It’s growing up questions
So i never had any concept of like deductible or out of pocket cosrs
Which branch has the most attractive guys?
The real question is which has the best lookinf women
I work at a naval base
Airforce. Low key followed by army and then navy
The active duty female soldiers here are quite attractive
>>> Airforce. Low key followed by army and the... Oh must be my location then
Marines usually get married so early
Hell i should've just joined the marines and got married at 21
Get those benefits
Plus extra money for being married
Now im 29 and no gf
Well almost having a gf but idk
Depends on how aggressive i am in pursueing a relationship
Ya lol
Lmao yes
Worst case scenario i marry a filipina girl
Being korean works to my advantage too in a way cuz mah kpop
Why are all rooms dead?
Evwehoenw doing their own things lol
It’s the weekend
Everyone wants them lol
That's fair lol
The uhaul has left the building