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MMilitary Gulag

Very simple. Very cheap
Very mindful very demure
I made myself Korean bbq chicken and rice it wasn’t too bad
Sounds yum
>>>📷 Yummy
I’m having flash backs to field drills and the cooks trying to make things last.
There are only four basic food groups beans, bacon, wh!skey, and lard
If you know you know
Do I know?
Maybe it’s an old people thing
You’re not even old
Maybe her soul is 🤔
My soul is ancient
My soul is non existent
I need you to have a soul
Or at least a skittle in the the space of where it would be
How about an 🧊
Are you implying you can taste souls just like the rainbow?! 😳
Harlow please elaborate
I feel old
You’re not lol
A relic from the 1900s
… I’m from the 1900s lol…
You’re a relic too
Sounds like we’re all about to sit on a shelf and get dusty together 😂
I’m dusty
I need oil to be showered on me for my joints
Gulag on the shelf
I need to workout more but the gym is boring 🥱 who wants to play tag
Tag you’re it
I play tag with a dirt and rock pile daily
I’m going to have to use more than speed to get you
It’s only fun if you’re building a castle or fortress
Yassssss, coincidentally… exactly what I’m doing 😈
A fortress of…. Solitude 😂
That sounds perfect honestly
What are you gonna use lmfaoo
Fortress of solitude…
Cant ruin the surprise 😊
Its our solitude now
Oh course I can taste them, I’m a witch , we taste souls, eat children and wear the skin of our enemies
See, that’s what I need in my life, an equal 😈
All other FEMALES plz LEAVE it’s BAD B!TCH BRIDGET’s turn with the GUYS