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  1. Tocca "Condividi"
  2. Tocca "Aggiungi a Home"
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Cultura & Comunità/

MMilitary Gulag

I’m Getting reimbursed for my phone and internet bills lol
As you should if you’re using them for work
Pop and rnb? Honestly I suck at music genres
Something like that
I like anything as long as it’s catchy to me, but my main ones are metal, rock, and pop I guess
I also feature some Spanish musics
Yeah I got music from around the world too, but not as much
Myke towersss
Not the Mike towers Latina twerk music 😂
How u been stranger
Issa vibeeee
Lmfao how you been I been here the whole time
You got a hotdog lol
Yes and I’m crying tears of happiness for it
How hard did you work for it
Whistle while you work
Love that song 💀
It’s a good one lol
Guess who forgot their pills again at the apartment 🤦🏻‍♀️ I’d forget my head if it wasn’t attached to my body
At least I only have one more weekend there
I just had the worst packaging interaction lol
I hate fed ex
What happened
They suck lol
That’s fair
Ok i finishies workies
I’m done in 20 minutes
What’s good
On my way to a college tour
Ooooh a tour!!! Get some swag
I’m doing moooooore training….. and for some damn reason I am starving