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Kultur & Gemeinschaft/

MMilitary Gulag

Another Monday begins 🥱
Better than no more Monday’s ever again 😳
Lll I guess
We back at it
Wow these guys that run this site are really dumb, I’m emailing them about my issue and they say they can’t find our room or my account
Like how can you run a site and not know how to fix an app or find chat rooms within it
Like bruh, yahoo chat with fail up worked better than this 🤣😂💀
Dial up
Use the room link
I invite you to a chatroom 'Military Gulag': https:chat.antiland.comKHHJTUigBj
Aren’t we already in the room
I think that would be better
Who’s wearing green today???
Not me lol
I’m sending it to her.
You’re gonna get pinched
I all in green
I’m home
Good luck with that pinching
I’ll telepathically communicate with your cat to give you a little nibble
I did great things this weekend
You aren’t wrong, I’ve considered that myself a non trivial amount 😱😭
He sleep
It’s been meetings all morning, and more training. Man I hate Mondays
Aw he’s so cute
I miss my baby, he’s at my dads
I was in a meeting falling asleep
Oh dear, must’ve been boring
Bruh you bet
What’s everyone up to
More training, I don’t think it’ll ever end…. But I also appreciate how much there is because after this if I’m lost I’m just a lost cause in general
I like my Job lol
Guys sync your information now.
You won’t get another chance
It won’t let me confirm my email 🤷🏻‍♀️
Haha yeah so honestly might just transfer all my points to my other one because that one’s confirmed
I’m only good for cat memes
I was able to get my account squared away by talking to support
I tried but they haven’t answered me back
Try again
We can’t lose squeaks again