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Kultur & Gemeinschaft/

MMilitary Gulag

More courses 😩
I’m Gonna do some College stuff
Whoo hoo for learning opportunities
Always moving the needle
Sometimes begrudgingly
No more canaries
What’s that
Hydrogen sulfide gas, can kill ya
Gotta take a course on it so I know what to do if it’s present
It’s surprisingly found in a lot more places than I thought…. Be careful yall! They’re going to teach us how to make it at home, more likely along the lines of don’t do this and you won’t die 👍🏻
I’m Bored lol
Uh oh not bored!
Too bored
That’s no good
I’m tired af
Sleep my friend
I am going to, made myself some tea and watching more atlb
I love it
Morning dudes
Morning even though I’m going back to bed
Night buddy
Morning again yall
Sup lol
Getting ready for a long drive and a funeral
What a. Schedule
Yeah, crazy day
You okay?
All will be well
If u need to talk come to the gulag counselling
Okay buddy
Tripod what you up to
Being angry at public transport and u bro
We cant drift away as gulag troops
We gotta keep the gulag together no matter what we may die but the gulag survives and is eternal
For real
I’m Starving
Starvin marvin
Haha yes for real public transport is bad