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I wasn't actually going to help you sorry. I was being sarcastic
I know
Not jealous Mara. Happy where I live. Granted its not as picturesque as that 👍🏻
Wales is lovely in places
As is most places
I was just being polite 😂😂
Mara definitely lives in a better looking neighbourhood though
I like where I live , when it’s warm lol
Why was Marcos message deleted? Seems like he's taking his role in foster care quite seriously
Keep the heating on then Minnie 😀
You London Minnie?
I probably deleted because he mentioned 20 and older , in a forty room
Morning all
I know that! I am just teasing everyone in the room. Every places and countries have their own elegance and flaws. I’m glad you are happy and appreciate where you are 😊🫶🏽!
You captain in here then Minnie?
Dave 🤗🤗…. Good morning ☀️
Right shop time. I fancy quick creme egg
Yep I am Hotdawg
Mara 🤗🤗🤗🤗
How are you
Didn't mean to type that lol
G’Day dawg
Hi Dave 👍🏻
How ya doin man
Alright ta, lazy couple of days
Noice man
Good daynight everyone! Holiday here today and same day for the inauguration of the new pres. era
G’Day Asiana 🤗
How are you
Hey all
Dave 🤗🤗
Just got back home from the gym and 4 stores 😅
G’Day mick
Hey Dave
🤣🤣🤣 I jus ordered coffee
How ya doin mate
Drinking my coffee as we speak
I'm ready for a nap, hahaha.
Hello people
Me too Asiana. Problem is I just got to work🤣🤣🤣🤣
G’Day John
>>> Me too Asiana. Problem is I just got to wo... Aww, hahahaha!
Should be a quiet day. This branch is more dead than I feel
G’Day norm