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Anonimowe Czaty, Gra randkowa w role z losowymi nieznajomymi online
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Dojrzałe & 30+ Czaty/

😀40 and older

And did you add the room as a favorite?
Some guy yelled at me the other day for asking questions and trying to provide tech support, so if that peeves you off, just let me know 😂😂😂
People are ungrateful sometimes GG , I offer all types of useful information, still don’t get it 😂
I wasn’t even talking to him. In fact he wasn’t even talking in the room at the time. So I managed to irk him via lurking 😂😂😂
😂😂 you must teach me that skill , that’s awesome lol
No didn’t clear cache but is in favs
😂😂 that’s great skill
I want GG ‘s skill of lurking and irking at the same time
Apparently it’s a gift
Share the gift 😂
Never have a problem getting booted out of rooms, unless a moderator bans me
I get to be aggressive and annoyingly helpful. 🤪
Shall we try it
Good to know 😂
This chat 🤣
Meh. Like me. Don’t like me. Whatever floats your boat.
I am who I am take it or leave it at this age.
My stance to GG , although people tend towards the latter with me 🤫😂
I like you just fine Minnie 🤗
Likewise GG 🤗🤗
Changing the subject slightly
I have bought some giant cod in bread crumb things - so just fish fingers right ?
I would think so?
Well that’s what I’m about to cook 😂
Hmmmm disappointing really , oh well , some times they are the best dinners
We’re having red beans and rice tonight
Hello all
Hi Herby
Hi Gg
You doing ok today?
Im doing great today hope you too
Where are you all from im from the netherlands
Morning everyone 👋👋
Its evening already here
Good Morning 🥝
Hey ya gg... How's you doin... 🤗🤗
Butt good morning
Lol... I'm from the future herby 😁😎
I’m ok. How are you? 🤗
I'm good... Kinda back to normal operation now... The storm and major break are all over... So it's just the norms... At least I now get two loooonnnggg weekends in a row
Oh nice
How's your week been??
It’s fine here. Work is steady and it’s freezing cold.
Ohhh well stay warm gg... It's rather warm down here now
Goodnight here 😘
Morning all