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Are you hoping for a Groundhog Day, Blue?
Yellow 👋🏻
Newton 👋
>>> It's alright. How's yours, sir pig?>>> It's ok I guess
Lol that would be great
You guess?
Hotdawg 👋
Hi Blue velvet
How are you today?
Not too bad. Chilled Sunday evening, you?
Doing okay here. Just working on some meal prep for the week.
Hi Blue👋🏼 Hi Hotdawg. Hi Kitty👋🏼
Hi Navin and Peachy 👋🏼👋🏼
How is everyone doing?
Hi Martha
Hi MP!
How’s your Sunday going Peachy.
Not too bad. Pretty lazy lol. How about you?
Been raining all day here so but gloomy
Awww. Bummer bummer ☹️
Not looking forward to going out in it 😕
Yea for sure.
Nothing I can do about it but go with it 😁
Haha. Thats very very true ☺️
hiya all
How’s the meal prepping going blue?
Hey hey.
It's going good MP, thanks. How are you guys?
hiya peachyt
peachy ^
Hello hello!!!
Making my grocery list here
nice nice
is it a big shopping trip?
Not to big Blue need to get lunch items for the week and maybe pick up some dinner items. Hopefully the grocery store isn’t to crazy
Would be to bad if it wasn’t raining as I have to walk to the store
* wouldn’t
aww 😔 That's too bad
I hope it won't be too busy for you too. It's awful to have to go shop when it's crazy busy
Yes I know Blue people tend to be bit rude when it’s busy
very true
Ok I better get a move on see you all later 👋🏼
Good luck!