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😀40 and older

Yay!!! You can do it!!!
Wow. That will be impressive to do in a day.
Oh he was talking like 3 days over about 2 months
That sounds more like it.
Yeah it’s not as worrisome that way
I've been seeing commercials that say they get it all done in one day. Be nice to have all the pain done and over with that quickly
Sorry. I'm in and out of chat. Trying to finish painting the home office
It's all good. I room hop with the lagtime and glitches.
Looks great!
Good job
I love the flooring
It’s pretty
In other news I just ordered a soft mattress topper for my firm mattress
Yay mattress refresh
Oooo nice
Well don’t you look silly now 🥱
Hi hi folks
Hey Greg
I love love the words of the end of the song , stirring if you know
If you don’t listen to all of it then the last part , meatloaf at his best so arousing
The last 2.23 mins
Hmmm might to go take a listen
>>> Hey Greg What's good today?
Oh not a lot, just relaxing
Ughhh.. waiting for paint to dry sucks.
Don’t have anything else to do while you wait?
I do.. but I don't want to do it 🤣🤣🤣
Ah I see
You should watch it intently.
Evening hotdogs
>>> Evening hotdogs Hotdog hotdog hot diggity dog
Hi Gregory
>>> Hi Gregory What's good
Afternoon folks.
How are you Saucy?
Not bad, just relaxing and watching YouTube lol
How are you today?