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😀40 and older

Lazy day. Better leave the booze alone today i think lol
Ahhhh. That bonus was better than my poxy 38 yesterday
Poxy is better than trash
It was poxy trash Minnie
Good evening by the way 🥰
Good evening Mr Costa x
I have been helping Jessica
Ohhhh. I've been binge watching 4 in a bed
I hope she's thankful for all your help
Well I find her a little ungrateful, you waits about 50 mins and then listens to me
Is that on normal tv 🤔🤭😂😂
Yeah. Channel 4. It's about 4 hotel owners and they stay and rate each other's businesses. It gets quite feisty on the last day 😂
😂😂 I know what it is , I have to watch when I go to my mums , she loves it , made me watch one that was about a place down the road from here 🙄😂
Did it still have gas lamps and sawdust on the floor
Oh that's just the pubs around here. My bad 🤭
greetings all
Hey Bee
Good afternoon
Goodnight here 😘😘
Morning 40 and older
Evening David
How ya doin dawg
Good evening everyone
G’Day Irish
How goes it
I confess you sound somewhat like a moron
Says the a55hat
The scammer dude dropping googled girlfriend to the world
But hey if that is your thing go for it.
Can it stay Sunday for the rest of the week? 😂
Wouldn't that be great if it did
For sure
How's your Sunday ? BV
Good afternoon 👋
It's alright. How's yours, sir pig?
Hi Yellow Cat 👋
Are you hoping for a Groundhog Day, Blue?
Yellow 👋🏻
Newton 👋
>>> It's alright. How's yours, sir pig?>>> It's ok I guess
Lol that would be great
You guess?