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Érett & 30+ Csevegések/

😀40 and older

In a whisper 😂
Let me punch her for you 🥊
That's a difficult one when it's the bosses wife
You need some Loop ear plugs Minnie
She doesn’t know me though Blondie 🥊
Tell him you need a hand here please
They cut some of the noise, but you can still hear.
I wanna tell her to turn the tv down as well coz I can’t hear myself think lol
I may look into them GG lol
My dad was like that too.
Make a big sign that's says MUM YOU'RE SHOUTING AGAIN!!!!
You really should. I love mine.
Gm minnie
The second he would nod off while watching tv, I would grab the remote and turn the volume down.
I will tell you guys, but don’t judge me too hard.
She would need her glasses on Blondie 😂 I will give her a sherry she can snooze and I can turn this blimming tv down lol
Hiya JAG
Does that mean no more baby instead of babu 🤣
We have Roku TVs. At my house and at my mom’s. I have the app on my phone. And when the tv is too loud and everyone is not paying attention, I turn the volume lower 😂😂😂
That's genius, GG!! 🤭😁
That is awesome GG I have that in my house but not here
It’s amazing. I can only listen to baby shark on level 22 for so long. Then it has to be turned down.
😂😂 I have been there GG wait till they get in to the singers that don’t sing and just sort of talk to music but it won’t let me say it
Lol. Yeah I gotcha
Or the other one I had to keep hearing was “ got any grapes “ about a duck that went to the lemonade stand lol , I didn’t mind that one so much
I think I remember that one. My older niece has a singing Minnie Mouse that my mom graciously gave her to take in my car on the way to school. She pressed that button back to back for twenty minutes.
And you can’t even hate it, cause she was singing with it and it was adorable. Especially when she messes up the words.
😂😂 I hate it when Minnie Mouse gets the words wrong
I’m playing scrabble with her on phones , she is five foot away from me 🙄😂😂
That’s cute though.
She keeps saying have you had your turn yet 😂
👋 StrawberryPaperJam
At least they’re both over 40
Why hasn’t he said hello to us 😭😂
Probably the same reason all the lurkers are lurking and not talking
True GG
I lurk a lot and sometimes talk lol
I suppose I do sometimes
>>> 😂😂 I hate it when Minnie Mouse gets the ... Who's calling me Minnie 🤨
At least they didn’t say Mini
Hello Mr Costa mouse x
🤣🤣 lurking and laughing
I’m steadily working through all the tasks i don’t want to do.
I’m going to try a new recipe tonight for buffalo chicken burgers. Fingers crossed 🤞🏻
I’m having Stilton and beef pie , need to start it , be back later x
Have fun Minnie