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my dinner is so so … baked salmon and broccoli …. doing a weight cut
sounds tasty though
What's for dinner tonight for you GG? Also how's mr. g?
not bad but it’s not a cheeseburger lol
That’s kinda funky cool Babu. 😂
lol true.
Go keto. You can have a bacon cheese burger. Just without the bun.
I had pizza
We’re gonna do mini thanksgiving. Which translates to rotisserie chicken and stuffing and cranberry sauce and some steamed vegetables
Not that you ask blue 🤣
>>> Not that you ask blue 🤣 😂😂😂 What are you having babu??? lol
Gg the whole night will be in Belarusian
>>> We’re gonna do mini thanksgiving. Which tr... Ooooh yum. What's the special reason?
>>> Gg the whole night will be in Belarusian Nice.
Lol. There isn’t one 😂😂 we like chicken and stuffing. I used most of the chicken in soup. Just the breasts left.
I bet it will get old Babu, but the one song i listened to wasn’t awful.
>>> Lol. There isn’t one 😂😂 we like chicken ... Excellent reason
We used to have a restaurant that made turkey and dressing every Sunday. They closed a few years ago. That was one of my favorite things for Sunday lunch
Alright doors are opening see yall on the other side
Good luck!
turkey 🤢 …. had to eat so much of it when cutting weight for wrestling
Have fun Babu🙂
that's too bad about the restaurant 😔
>>> turkey 🤢 …. had to eat so much of it when... My mother in the 80s went on a low fat kick and everything we had was turkey soemthing. Turkey bacon, turkey burger, turkey this and that. I couldn't eat turkey for years. So I feel you
Did i say turkey? I’m sorry. I meant chicken and dressing
i hate chicken breast as well …. can’t make that taste good lol …. i rather thighs …. not that many more calories and taste way better
Gotta marinate chicken breasts just right.
Still that's too bad that the restuarant closed
Yeah it is. We don’t have a ton of family owned places here anymore
still taste like chicken breast lol why you think popeyes always out of dark meat lol taste way better lol
But we always hold out hope that someone will open it back up
no that's completely fair. I think the dark meat is tastier too
Fingers crossed that happens
We do thighs quite a bit. Butter chicken, bbq, teriyaki,
But i like the other for chicken salad
makes sense. All of that sounds delicious
How’s your class going Blue?
we have a good bit of family restaurants here ….. commercial companies have not mastered cajun food lol
It's good. Only been going a couple of weeks, but I missed two classes because I was out of town.
Are you in Louisiana?
yes mam
Chief was just telling me a few days ago about how delicious the food is in your great state.
hard to beat our food …. culture like no other
I appreciate how Louisiana held onto the French language for so long. Lots of really interesting history in Louisiana.
yes my dad speaks it fluently and has taught my children how to speak it almost fluently
That’s very cool
That's great. I know there is a push to teach younger people the french creole in Louisiana.
Good morning amazing people!
Good Morning
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