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You spelt oink oink wrong 🐷
I like mushrooms 🍄‍🟫
Hey Tiny Tiger 🥰🥰
Don’t shout it 🤨
Shhhhh. oink
Hey Wilson
I luuuuuuvs mushrooms too
Hey Tiny Mouse x
You're all mingers
Oh look. A squirrel
I thought that was a face on its tail then
Haha. It does look like it
I have way to many squirrels in my garden running up and down the fences making a right racket
But I have an owl at night sometimes that’s nice
Twit twooo
I have bats in the evening. They're amazing to watch
The other night there where two , calling to each other , was cute , yeah I have bats mainly in the summer though
I like right next to a wooded area get all sorts in there , bears , tigers and everything
I’m *
📝 Minnie lives in Narnia
Got that wrong. It was wizard of Oz. Lol
😂😂 haven’t seen a tin man yet
Or Dorothy
I wonder if it was her dog that sang Africa 🤔
I hear her at night walking through the woods
😂😂😂took me a second then Costa lol
Howdy all
Hello folks
Hi Blue eyes, hi Babu
Hey Babs 🥰
By any chance did Bondy have an iPhone. Not seen him in ages
Not sure some still work , mine does
Hiya Blueeyes and Babu
Hope he's ok
I miss the banter between you two. Lol 😆
😂😂 he annoyed the Jeff out of me but was funny
That's the only reason I'm here is to annoy the Jeff out of you too 😊
Good morning
You must be very conscientious, because you do a wonderful Job
Might be back in a bit. Gonna sneak a quick snooze. Then do me run. Then me walk. Then it's yoga 🧘‍♂️
Sleep well , enjoy the walk run and yoga x
I will also be back later as need to be a taxi 🙄
Lmao messing with scammers is so fun
Week two and I'm still not blocked lmao