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DDaddy's shed 🏚🪚🔧🫘🗜️

good mornin
Morning Shear
How are you?
Good how are you
Morning all of you!!
Hey Donkey
Great to hear! I’m doing really well thanks!
I think time to make tea
Love tea
Sounds nice, just had a cup of coffee
I do to
I don't make coffee for couple more hours I make it for dad
Good meowning
Hi kitty
Well that’s thoughtful of you
Good morning
I usually make him coffee then breakfast
That’s sweet of you that you are doing that for your daddy
Thank you
Oh he’s been spoiled 😅
Lol I try to
I need that
Treated like that
aww that’s cute🥹
Morning Sofi!!
morning deezel☺️
How’s you today beautiful?
haven’t gotten outta bed yet soooo good😆 hbu?
Dad works hard. I'm always up so no big deal to make him breakfast
Haha, you lucky fish! I’m jealous 😅 I’m good, it’s almost the weekend 🥳
It’s very sweet of you to do that
Thank you
oh it sure is🥳🥳 fun plans?
Prolly go out for a bit if it doesn’t rain again, else gym, couch, TV and a few drinks
How about you?
You’re most welcome 😊
same here honestly besides show training on sunday☺️
Oooh nice! No more working on weekends? You know the legal stuff 🤓
nuh i got mi big girl job now 🥹
Storm food is ready
😱 congrats!!! 🥳🥳🥳 That’s so awesome! Well done Sofi!! 🤗
Ooh, what is that?
oh we havin a storm?👀
I dunno but I enjoy eating 😂