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DDaddy's shed 🏚🪚🔧🫘🗜️

A whole $5 note
Something is better than nothing
She wants my sandwich
No I want your sandwich
Chips nd dip sounds good gain
She can get in line. I want some first
No I called it before she showed it
I have the munchies
But you have snacks already
And I'm fat
But I don’t have that sandwich
Oof true
What snacks do you have 👀
The food kind I think
Umm most of what I ordered last night
Who is she?
Am I she?
Where is she
She? Her?
Hey liberal
Umm yup I’m past Pluto now I can’t see my fingers
O no not time for bed
Could be
Hey santa
🥓🥓🥓how are you my friend
Only boring people say that
Nice dress buddy
Naah those cookies are diabolical lol
I didnt see the cookies
Definitely a nice dress
I want the cookies