I just recently watched them all again
No o still have snacks from last nights delivery
Everyone can take a bite and pass it around lol
I’ve never watched it but I know he’s damn sexy from house of dragons
Ew I hated him in house of dragons
The things I’d let him do to me 🥵
Ha ha ha umm you can’t share lol
The only reason I kept watching it was him the show sucked imo
I just found money in the couch!
Heck yea o think I’ll go through my recliner
Something is better than nothing
Chips nd dip sounds good gain
She can get in line. I want some first
No I called it before she showed it
But you have snacks already
But I don’t have that sandwich
What snacks do you have 👀
Umm most of what I ordered last night
Umm yup I’m past Pluto now I can’t see my fingers