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DDaddy's shed 🏚🪚🔧🫘🗜️

🤖 mafia …
I don't think there are women here in general
There are some real ones
I saw some 😉
It's like catching a glimpse of Bigfoot
Hard to see, photo always grainy and impossible to prove
Good morning ☀️
Wakey wakeyyy
Big foot is real 👀
Hey penguina
I know she’s my sister in law
But she’s not grainy
I know not grainy ladies here. Sure
Real ones 🥰 not fakes or 🤖
I'm not convinced
You’ll meet some if you are kind
Trust me
Hmm things to think about
Morning sunshines
Hi Buns
Hey buns
Good morning everyone 🤣😁
Any ddlg here
Nope! They all moved south for the winter ☺️
lol be nice
Nope they never came here
Yes huh! I saw them last summer
Hey what’s everyone up to
That was last winter
This app has gone quiet
Hiya wombat
Hey hunny
Nooooo it was summer. I know because they had swimsuits
Daddy bored asf -_-
You manifested it by choosing that name lol
lol yeah his own fault
Tbf having rabid in your probably doesn't bode well for you 😂
I like this shed
Hi everyone
Break is over ahhhh
Hello everyone