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Hobiji & Interesi/

DDaddy's shed 🏚🪚🔧🫘🗜️

I’m excited to finally get my nails done
Oooh yeah. What time
First thing in the morning
Ugh so many early mornings
Will be non stop early mornings now kids are back at school!
Oh god yeah!
So much excitment
I can call you and wake you up hehe
No complaints from me. But no complaints if you cant
*calls at 4am*
Oh....that's 3am for you
4am is 5pm lol
We're in the same country 👀
Good morning
Is that why you were so quiet today. Busy on a aeroplane
Morning Aimee
Morning amies
Hi Aimee
How are you all
Alright 5 minute warning
That went so quick
5 minutes is so short
I started with 20
Fair enough
Yeah. I limit her time because shes addicted lol
Am not 😐
You are. Remember when we met?
I barely ask anymore
You refused to come off
I’m an attention whore and I like talking… or typing
But we've dealt with that now. Haven't we
Now I’m just Sir’s whore 🤭
Damn right
Okay times up
Everyone is still up. Can we stay!??
I'm gonna go shower
🥵 send me a pic
So maybe we can jump back on after
I'll show you after 😏
I’ll do some study then
Good girl
Now off we go. Bye people