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Hobby & Interessi/

DDaddy's shed 🏚🪚🔧🫘🗜️

Ohhh daemnnit there goes the protection
Me too. I’m too short
>>> Ohhh daemnnit there goes the protection Protection is boring until you get Std(i)
The experience talks i guess
Oh damn. All I did was toss a pm over her wall and now I got to go see the clinic
>>> Protection is boring until you get Std(i) Im patient zero. Got nothing to worry about
I'm pregnant
Ok then
Congratz Jhonny 🎉
Your fault
No. That's not my baby. You cheated on me. Lol
Bromance became ream
It wasn't cheating
I needed that extra 40 buck and her wall was to high
Well it wasn't me. We never had sex
Virgin and dad of one? Ohhhhh cute
Ya this jokes getting weird
Call me father marry
You started
Nah I didn't start it. I just added the gas
I need a drink
Make It 2 to forget this
That's always your solution to our problem having drinks with friends
And drinking is bad for the baby
Ok I'm just drinking from the bottle
Just run rabbit, dont enter herr
To late it's here.
Let's eat it
Ranch or bbq?
Zesty ranch
Great I will kill it and you make me a sandwich
Hi ... Daddy reducing bely
Wat that means?
>>> The experience talks i guess Learnt from other's mistakes.
Hello everyone
Any women for long term chat??
Hi everyone x
Hi Louise
Hello all