Having a great time here in California for my RC race
Heyy! My one class I did okay in, but my class I run tomorrow I'm in the A group, so the top group. We'll see how it goes!
It rained for almost 3 days here in California for my race. It definitely definitely delayed it a little
Yeah luckily not too bad though. Tomorrow is the final day of the race week
Here's my truck ready for tomorrow
Hope y'all have a good night. About to head to bed, have to get up early
Haha I did
I didn't do as well as I wanted, but I gave it my all
Hi y'all, hope everyone had a good day
6 more hours and finally!
Oh yes!!!!! 21 hours in a truck is a long time lol
Yeahh definitely looking forward to my bed again after being gone for 11 days