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Hobbys & Interessen/

🥸Dad Jokes

I know my wife is cheating on me. She doesnt know that i know. I am not sure what to do
Hey daddy
Hi all
Text improvement is important 🤔
Hi lonely.
Sure, sweetie. Pm me if you need to
There is no french that here to help me?🥺
How do you catch a tame rabbit?
What’s the dentists favorite time of day?
How is everyone doing tonight
Tooth hurty (2:30)
I failed maths so many times at school, I can't even count....
I got fired from a calendar factory once for taking a day off...
I tried working as an electrician, when my friends found out they were shocked...
I read a book about what it's like to be weightless in space. It was unputdownable...
My therapist says I have a preoccupation with revenge. We'll see about that....
My gf complains that I never listen to her, or something like that....
I rode a donkey the other day until someone threw a rock at me .. yep, I was stoned off my ass...
Blunt pencils... what's the point in them?
I managed to kill a whole circus once - just by going for the juggler
I have a thesaurus app on my phone which isn't that good. Not only is it not great.. it's not great.
Jokes about unemployment.. they don't really work..
I bought a pair of gloves earlier, both were for 'lefts'. One on hand it was great but on the other hand...
I've just got clean from soap addiction
Hi Gali✨️💕🪷
I used to be a set designer for the movies. They decided to let me go without making a scene ...
Adam and Eve? Yeah they didn't read Apple's terms and conditions...
Did you hear in the news about the guy who had his whole left side amputated? I think he's all right now...
I think I have an inferiority complex, though it's not very good one...
Whenever I think of the past, it brings back so many memories...
If I got $1 for every time i failed maths, I'd have $5.33 now...
If you dont know what armageddon means, dont worry, it's not the end of the world....
The past, present and future all got into an arguement.. that was tense stuff
¿Qué le dice una pared a otra pared? Nos vemos en la esquina...
¿Por qué las focas miran siempre hacia arriba? Porque ahí ahí están los focos
I dated a girl who was cross eyed. Had to break up with her because she was seeing someone on the side.
Older men
Yes…. AND?