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CConfessions ☕️

It's disturbing and violent. I'm just curious if some women actually get turned on my that type of violence
The assault is a bit much, I really enjoy the revenge parts afterwards.
It’s not on Netflix
Not sure, I dropped Netflix a year ago lol
I’ve only seen the original
The 2010 remake is about the same quality. The assault scene is not as long and was cut down. But the revenge scenes are more extreme I think.
Someone yell at me. Anyone.
You’re regarded
How’s that
I fantasize about my mom🙊🙈
I have a messed up confession
Do tell 👀
Let’s hear it Tommy
Ye Tommy
fu tony and fu tommy
and fu sheepy
good afternoon goochie 😍
Costeh precious
am on the brink of nervous breakdown waheyyy
but it’s nearly dinner time
What are we having
I’m prepping soup and bread for my friends who are visiting tomorrow
Am too good to them
my GF dared me to dress in fishnet stockings and a fluffy top and get guy to cum for me on cam while we watch
How quickly did turtle finish blue bird?
don’t like that msg tony👹
hmmm some kinda chicken n rice hehe
Why the nervous breakdown?
work and ppl who have the cheek to ask me to do work
Oh yes it’s best not to listen to them
i wafted my hand at someone today so i probably offended them sm they reported me to HR
2020s 😍
I will torture them with a walk through my hoods before I feed them hehe
What a gangster
tony can u buy me and u tickets to have soup at goochas house
(I will avoid bridges)
Yes when I visit goochie someday I’ll bring you along
But only if you wear one of those kids backpacks with a leash on it