Haha I get on the hot dog earth bandwagon
A: chocolate… but is Oreos and Bailey’s actually good? I might have to try that.
A: top floor of a very very very tall building… you’d think you can just push em out the window lol
A: I’d be the queen of multitasking!
A: this. Sometimes that. Always whatever
A: monkeys. They already throw their poop at us lol
A: woody wood pecker’s laugh
A: bathroom, omelet bar, wine bar and a napping bed
Exactly what I was thinking lol
Hummmm those are pretty similar but I would probably go
A: this
A: red
FYI: if you read about the nutrition all apples are different, however, green apples are the healthiest in that regard.
A: oatmeal
A: get my phone out and scroll through Anti lol
A: chew with their mouth open (if we’re at dinner)
A: spending time with friends and family
A: not on a regular basis, but I do have some I’ll wear if I visit someone
Hahaha took me a second to realize why
It was ok, how was yours?
Don’t go to Shikaka’s, she doesn’t have any bacon
Eggs are to expensive lol