I’m glad I don’t remember my dreams
the tall lady isn’t scary at all when i see videos of her when im awake but she torments me in my sleep
You should lucid dream and summon her then beat her ass
it’s her deep voice that wakes me up like she puts a giant hand on my shoulder and says something and i wake up v scared
have a confession abt my girl
Anyone ever hookup with a relative?
I like man on man sometimes to watch
Turtle how tall are you? I’m picturing like 5’4”
I’d react but I don’t speak dumb units
I’ve pictured him on an average to tall like 5’6 to 6’2
if i stand up straight im 6’3
I got a drug test later and finna fail it
In metric, I’ve always though you where between 170 to 190
>>> I got a drug test later and finna fail it
Lol i felt that. Should've got something to clean your system out.
Oh nah I'm smoking rn ain't no way ima pass it
What's wrong with being a druggie
I work 3 jobs so I mean druggies ain't bad
raymond probably does those gay type of drugs u kno where they pop it in the butt
Not even because im giving you a compliment calling you tall 😔
sorry idk why i always attack u
This is why I just mind my business lol
>>> Oh nah I'm smoking rn ain't no way ima pas...
Lol I feel that too.
>>> ew raymond a druggie
Aww, not really, but I have been before