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الصحة والدعم/

CConfessions 🫵🏼

Cover up
Is that a confession or.a statement
Is that dandy lion/dolph 👀
Its a starfish
Omg it is you
That sounds like a bad thing
Always loved your posts
Awww legend watashi 🤗🤗🤗
Just for that this is for you
I have gained the trust of a white booted lil guy in a tux
Well done PUPU
Thanks AB. Nice to see you!
Hi I have a confession 🥹
Let’s hear it
Good morning
Any insomniac?
What hour for u?
It’s morning here but I had trouble sleeping all night and nightmares too🥲
Been trying to sleep for 4 hours. Its 3 am now
U r in europe?
Don’t you have some weed or sun?
Hi DM me
My confession is, pretty much nobody in my life knows I might be trans. If they do know or suspect anything, nobody except one of my cousin's kids has ever came up to me about it. I'm thankful my experience has been mild compared to others who are absolutely miserable.
pretty sure they won’t suspect anything unless you’re wearing a lovely dress
You do you though
Coming out is tough bc it’s hard to know who to trust. If you do, it’s important to try and reach out for support to ppl you know you’ll be safe being yourself around if possible
Coming out is tough bc it’s hard to know who to trust. If you do, it’s important to try and reach out for support to ppl you know you’ll be safe being yourself around if possible
Anti being glitchy asf today
I think the other duck Aero has gone offline already, but that was a very kind thing for you to say Pupusa
Ty. Leaving it here in case they come back bc the chat is p dead most of the time
I am craving McDonalds
Hey there everybody!