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I confess
Today I learned the original Latin version of RIP
Requiescat in Pace
Hi all
Yoooo lmaoooo 😭
Diddy is getting done
Time will tell
He is done
Watch will say
He has alot to tell
Unless they get him.1st
good afternoon peanut butter enthusiasts!
what's everyone's favorite cuisine other than their native cuisine? mines definitely Thai.
Salvadoran for me, thanks
should i confess
Dm me for confession
That is a grim outcome
i bet her hair wasn’t that greasy in her profile pic
🙄 wimmin
PM for pacake gilf 🥞
I wanna confess in dm
I confess I hate how people smell
Except my driving instructor who always smells so clean
My driving instructor slapped my arm twice during an anxiety attack 💅
That sounds assault-y
That sounds assault-y
sounds rude
To be fair
I did almost get us into an accident bc I had trouble switching lanes
>>>📷 She seems kinda hot
I have a confession
what is goin on peanut butter and jelly fish enthusiasts
I got a job interview
Thank you!
It’s a temporary seasonal job. First time I’ll be working 2 jobs at once if I get it