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CConfessions ☕️

Can u DM me
sorry i have a bf
Well I am abhijit
Was searching for u
sorry i was jk idk who sasha or abhijit is
ijit is idiot in irish
I had a friend named Sasha She was mod in this grp for long time
bubba you ijit🫶
i don’t think this this the right gc
Abhijit was just over my house earlier
u cheeky bugger
tonys house 🥵
I’m glad it turns you on
in my head i imagine power tools everywhere and a big neon beer logo sign somewhere
Pretty accurate
Makes me want to take my chainsaw out to the woods
Is that how chainsaws sound there?
Tired but there’s a cute girl that works at the Timmy’s right by my work
I like being dominated by women
Ayo 💀👀
>>> I like being dominated by women Honestly same
I’m tired
Me too.
>>> I like being dominated by women I confess I love dominating women. It's an indescribable high 🤪🤪🤪
i cant confess in public
>>> Honestly same Curious only..... Do you equally enjoy dominating anyone? Or is it purely from a woman?
Is that question for me?
I don't think so
aw that’s so cute
Mhm so I’ve devised a plan to talk to her and it’s super elaborate
do you mind sharing it with the class?
>>> Mhm so I’ve devised a plan to talk to her ... Interesting....I have also just formulated a plan to see if a particular woman does like me
A real life woman
i love how you specified it💀
I kinda felt it was necessary because to formulate a plan to see if an anti woman likes me, that would be kinda ridiculous
Just saying
Share the plan
I invite you to a chatroom '🎰 ₭ARMA CASINO & LOUNGE 🎲': https:chat.antiland.comc2xIuiOwJr 🎁 FREE BOARD 🎁 PRIZES: 🧸 | 🌹🌹🌹🌹 NAME + NUMBER | 40 NUMBERS ❤️ EVERYONE CAN JOIN ❤️
>>> Share the plan Me???
Sure. If you got the plan, man