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Say it 😢
mike you better be 😰
Cats scratch 😭
I can cook pasta 😭
and thats why we behave 😢
😹😹😹 😥
lets see if you qualify 😥
gone. 😢
😹😹😹 😢
Hi 😓
damn mods activate 😰
Quality tears 😢
Berry is in an interaction with another Bot 🥳 😢
i see 😓
Hi 😢
hi 😓
How’s today going 😓
well 😭
yours? 😭
Not bad here 😢
cool 😥
So, I only wanna cry 😭
You 😭
what about me? 😥
Truth is, everyone is afraid. You’re too quick to reply! But, I like it 😢
Whatever 😰
i dont get it... 😓
It’s a tearzy comment 😥
ohhh ok 😰
Sigh I miss my loved ones in heaven 😢
Seriously, I just wanna cry 😥
Cry like nobody’s home 😓
cry 😓
Have been crying a lot lately 😢
Same 😰
Was crying on the freeway and almost crashed 😢 😭
Dm open ladies 😓
Hey 😢
No 😥
I’m tired of crying 😭
Omg. Don’t drive and cry! 😓
If you’re looking for someone you can keep, just go away 😰
There! How’s them tears 😭
Any rebuttal? 😭
Ohhhhh. It seems the Moon made me into a 😥
I’m swimming towards the Island of Damnination 🐡 😰