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𓃠 ∆иʊʙ፝֟፝֟ɪꜱ 𓂀 🧿 🤗🤗 😥
ᓚᗢPatrickia 🤗🫶 😭
Is it real Tears? 😭
I’ve been called a Tyrant 😥
🥺🥺 😰
Wasaaa 😢
And a Deceiver 😥
One tear after another 😢
Fuf 🫶 😢
Lord strike that boy down 😢
It’s actually a crying situation 😭
Something’s gotta come out of this 😭
Is it up to me? 😥
playing with everyone's tears 😥
theres a secret i cant tell 😰
I’m not playin. I’m serious 😓
I hold all secrets 😢
In my heart 😭
I think I’ve proved this before 😰
Share 😰
I don’t share 😢
I only Love Music 😥
Ya. Music is my first love 😭
hey 😭
You sing? Or play instruments? 😥
I don’t sing. I’m not good 😓
Nope 😥
I think im going bck to therapy 😰
you should 😢
Hi 😓
hello 😭
Ive been in therapy consistently since i was 6 😭
Send your photo 😓
Which therapy 😓
A little love song 😰
Cant open that link😔 😢
delete asap 😰
I don’t care. You can go to Hell 😥
Sentimental 😰
Oh my 😭