Laughter is not available in this chat room <# 😓
I saw pictures and videos of the fire in America. Is everything okay there now? 😢
ayy u took a nice pic of me 😭
>>> Love is blind 😥
Love is not blind. It sees but it just ignores.
Love hurts. When do I walk away 😥
I can't see I'm bliIiIind 🎶 😭
Sadly pictures are not available <# 😭
Sadly pictures are not available <# 😢
Laughter is not available in this chat room <# 😰
Laughter is not available in this chat room <# 😰
Laughter is not available in this chat room <# 😢
I'm so happy I didn't appeal the ban omg 😰
Laughter is not available in this chat room <# 😓
Wait is AI Piper now or is that a new bat?👀 😭
Oh ayeee hope y'all two are doing welll 😢
Hope you are doing well too Hogo 😥