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So that is the feeling of two people want to work things out. 😥
Good that ended well Celine 😓
Fights are good sometimes 😓
Naol 😰
good 😰
He just quits lel 😰
Disagreeing, being real, but holding your hands firmly. 😭
>>> Disagreeing, being real, but holding your ... 😭
We both thought one of us may break up, we were used to that 😢
he didn't even want to talk to me 😭
Glad you sorted things out with him bb 😥
But hell nah, we both talked and found out lovelier. 😭
Never had that experience. It is amazing. 😹 😥
sincere 😓
That's nice 😥
This group I can’t even relate anymore 😰
Pip, we change for the better so that's what happened 😓
Yeah Hurri, fights are necessary to know each other differences. 😢
That’s great bb 😥
what when a guy wants you to beg him? 😢
We realized we love each other deeply. 😢
*hugs to Magnesium* 😥
Oh wow what a great feelings 😭
>>> what when a guy wants you to beg him? 😢 that's my case i just can't beg. i cannot
Magnesium, no one should let you beg for them. 😭
Coz they always want you. 😓
Do. Not. Beg. I learned a lot too. 😓
Communicate tho. Begging and talking are different. 😥
Yes Pip. Hby? How is life? 😓
>>> Communicate tho. Begging and talking are d... i do communicate the issue is that they don't seem to want to express whatever they might be thinking 😓
Hi 😭
Hi 😢
Have you told him that by not telling you, the relationship is on the rocks? 😰
I told my boo before when he was used not to explain nor to tell me his struggles. 😥
If he wants, he will do it for you. 😰
>>> Have you told him that by not telling you,... i'm afraid of stressing him. i just obeyed to his desires of me giving him time.. 😢
Good morning friends 😓
Do you want me to give advice to it, Magnesium? 😭
Or should I just let you talk more about it? 😓
Morning, Newby. Whassup? 😓
>>> Do you want me to give advice to it, Magne... of course i do. coming from a person with experience it's welcomed 😢