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Anonyme Chaträume, Rollenspiel und Dating mit zufälligen Fremden online
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Yes 😥
Kumiko hiii 😥
I mean who hates it🌝 😓
So, this is tha bestest club 😓
Miss Gween 🤗 😭
Prove me wrong 😓
It’s like all this stuff that I’ve never seen before 😢
Maybe youre right 😭
Im cold 😓
If you want someone that you can keep, I ain’t tha only 😰
One 😥
Ohhhhh 😢
My 😭
siii 😭
Oh no 😥
Pass me by or keep me 👀 😥
Say “pass” plz 😭
I don’t really feel like bein kept 😓
pass 😭
pass 😰
Nice! 😓
I think ‎ Fuf is honest 😰
Oh, I’m horrible 😭
I'm taken, so it's a pass from me 😓
👍 😓
It can be 😥
I respect that 😰
I have the tiniest bit of luck 😰
Although, I try 😭
Lets cry😭😭
Hacryha 😭
fuf u taken? 😭
We go upp 😰
When I am lost, you shine the light for me and set me free🎶 😰
When I am lost, you shine the light for me and set me free🎶 😓
Twice? Wow. As nice 😭
Coolio 😢
🤧🤧🤧 😥