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Kuzey Amerika/

NNorth Carolina

I wonder why your karma stays down though
>>> Damn they really screwed you over Yeah lol that was rough like the one without lub 😋 rofll go easy on me mods Friday morning hang over
>>> I wonder why your karma stays down though I have no clue but I'm real
They even take away bonus, like watch this imma fire that and get some and it will go away as I send msgs, somehow it's the reverse
Ok they added 10, like after lot of chatting and pic sharing, I get a generous 10 lol
I actually wanna know how folks get like 300,400 bonus, that I feel like are you flipping glued to the app all day 🤔
Good morning to everyone. I hope yall have a magnificent day today.
Ashley here
Good morning y’all
Morning Ashley
Looking cold
Hello Ashley, welcome to NC.
Welcoming bots is new
Welcome, Welcome
Hmm I wonder who blocked me
Oh really, dang, she is loaded with karma and gifts ey
She should gift me
She should gift me first
She should. I can wait. I don't mind. Lol it doesn't matter who's first or second to me
Me. Jk
Morning here
lol morning here and there, nice coincidence 😉
How many shot in NC last night?
How many other them shot are already dead?
Hi Rocket
I can kill the ones close enough to death if you'd like?
G'morning Prinni Miss☕💖
>>> Good morning y’all Good morning
Yup. That looks like a bulletproof moon 😎☕
How are you
Good enuff for government work🍻
Hope you're well and fabulous today too💕
I am doing fantastic
>>> How many shot in NC last night? Is there news i missed?
I'm asking too
I know someone shot his wife and step daughter, killed himself after police pursuit, my Dad knew that guy personally, filthy rich family
time for a nap
Today is the first day in forever I haven’t felt so ran down.
Were they Russian?
Hot story
Yay! I gotta say something
Call Charlie in UK. It's a nice dancing Friday even if rainy in London😎🍻