Hahahaha sounds like a cult ngl
Yeah you right , it’s a cult I can’t lie anymore
On that note, you sure it’s Jesus and not jeebus lol
I’ve already said too much , if my followers find out about this I’m outta people
Photoshopped to ruin my life
I would never! The audacity
Never trust a female with the name secret
is it true in north theres alot of family fun? if so i need a hubby like that 😂
The north does it right just stay away from the south they keep it in the family kinda fun 🤢
I just drove from Chattanooga to Asheville on US647419 thru Murphy
Lots of fun in a tractor-trailer with a 53 foot trailer on those tight mountain roads.
I think I'm going to make tahirts this weekend
Tshirts. That was a simple error you could figure out.
Nope definitely couldn’t have
Way to hard to figure out what you meant
Wash yours cause it stinks
I'm passing the mouthwash
That’s my boy coming in clutch
You ain’t do anything today
Sorry I know it’s been crazy. But hopefully rest time for you now?
I'm not even home yet *sigh*
Awe I’m sorry. Stay strong friend!
Well. I was home, but then left again lol. But was only home for 5 minutes
And still lying to these good people
It happens. I ended up staying an hour after but not the worst
Wouldn’t you like to know
>>> is it true in north theres alot of family ...
Elaborate please lol
Who's family would you be getting in action with?