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NNorth Carolina

Yeah stupid old horse
nah you’re not smart enough to be mean
Gae frog
Stop leaving glitter in the room
that’s glitter from your butthole moob
Fruity boy
That’s actually pretty cool looking
he talkin to the mirror again
Go wash your cooch
i already did 😮‍💨
>>> i need a new piercing. and i don’t like th... I got a huge labret piercing
Piercings ain’t gonna help with her mug so
Can’t fix ugly
i shoulda known it was you
they might 😭😭 i’m trying out here moob.
She’s dumb if she didn’t know that was war
i’ll agree w that tbh
i really should have known
Howdy War!
Can’t fix stupid
Like you have a choice
why are you so mean to me mooby
all i’ve ever done is love you 🤧
Do what I want
lil punk ass
When I want you to speak I’ll ask
when i want to hear you ask i’ll speak
Too bad
so sad
We don’t want you here
You stink the place up with your breath
my mouth taste like strawberry milkshake pls ✋🏼
Strawberry ass
i bet strawberry ass taste good
Not yours
You look dirty
you never seen me dirty
go harass someone else
You are someone else
So I’ll stay 😌
no i’m no one remember
bag headed uggo
CI need help
I need help