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I can't comment.
Sips water*
“The better to see you with, my dear…”
It's only 1 pm.
I knoooow 😩
Hi yall
*spins in chair* I'm ready for a vacation
I just would like some quiet time at home 😂
I just really want a cookie…
I'm trying to decide what I want to do for my bday. I have about two months to figure it out
Hmmm 🤔
Maybe have a chill evening at home with a drink, pizza (or maybe Chinese), and movie. That sounds amazing.
What makes you happy secret?
I'm tired of being home lol. I'm either at work or home.
So go out somewhere? What do you like? Beach? Mountains? Movies? A play?
I need a good beach vacation where I can bring my dogs, too.
Don’t we all
All the above. I live next to the beach. I went to gatlinburg one year. I don't like Florida. Imma see what there is to do either in GA or NC around that time.
Mountains sounds so nice
Work is dumb
I want to go back to gatlinburg in the fall. Rent a cabin and just take in the views, fresh air,....
A cabin sounds so cool I haven’t tried one since I moved here
>>> I want to go back to gatlinburg in the fal... That sounds great!
Also check out Charleston. I love it down there.
I am an hour and a half from Charleston
I might just go upstate. It's pretty there too.
Do it sounds fun!
Sounds like we all just want to spend time outside
Love being outside. Just got a bike and I’m excited to hit some trails with it
See. Thats pushing it LOL
Hi Hazel
Hi Secret
lol Drink water Cookies that is normal. Physical activity? BAD COOKIES! 😅
Hello am karlee and am new here. Am here to make friends
Wish I knew how to ride a bike
I would rather walk trails
Awe Queen I’m sorry! Do you have someone who can teach you?
Walking trails is great too!
Yes technically but the problem is I get frustrated easily when learning new things and the people instructing me also gets frustrated.
I’m not trying to lose friendships over a bike lol
Hi Evil
Awe well I would teach you if you are in driving distance and I’m pretty patient. It’s all for fun nothing to get bleh about.
Hazel 🤗
I'm bleh about everything right now 😂
Im ready to go home
Did i tell yall what happened at work yesterday?