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Amèrica del Nord/

NNorth Carolina

adhd problems
She misses us
lol i woke up with anxiety
So now you’re anxiety is gone right
Cause you’re with us
nope still lingering lol
i think it will go away once i find a sugar papa lol jk
She’s in denial. She did miss us
Hazel? I thought you were in bed
Lol i was then i woke up with full anxiety
Denial isn’t just a river in Egypt it turns out
I see
Do you have grounding techniques or does chatting here work for you?
well im playing my fav podcast to calm it down. and on here till i get sleepy
Let me know if you want a few general grounding techniques. Nothing to deep or serious 💜
thank you 🫶🏼
Hugs** I hope you start to feel better
thank u, its calming down
I want to buy curtains, but I’m too short to hang them up
force someone to do it for u
If only they made a device you could climb on that would make you taller
ladders are terrifying
I’m not balanced enough to use those
And sometimes, it’s tiring being a strong, independent woman. Dammit 😤
Cant relate
i depend on my dad
make tony do it even tho he sounds shorter than us
He probably is. I’m betting 5’
hold on i want to listen to my friends tea
I’ll be waiting to hear it too
this girls holy -ly stories are wild
I dont understand why she keeps messing with the famous influencer when hes not good at foreplay
and a bad kisser 💀
Probably cuz the “famous influencer” part
My girlfriend is stationed in North Carolina
Good for you
No it sucks
NC is dirty
Watch it
Watch what
your attitude
How do I watch that?
Maybe by growing a pair
Nah i dont think so
theres more to her story but my adhd cant focus to listen to the rest
Hello Hazel