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NNorth Carolina

Just need my mustache back
I need some accessories
What’s up War
You and cookie both do
Lookin alil naked
Hello everyone
Howdy Brenda
Cooks where you been man
Slaving away I bet
I been lazy today
Lots of heys and nobody stays
sounds like ur love life
L 👀
My love life is perfect
I don’t have your kind asking for money , wanting cuddles nodda
It’s beautiful
And I can cheat freely if I want
Oh and food doesn’t cost an arm and a leg either
Which is most important
*files divorce
Doesn’t work unless I sign and I don’t have a pen
Also I dunno how to write so
I bought you an auto pen
Sad day for secret and mob 😂
Just a sad day for me.
Or is it a sad day all around?
About to be sadder
If my legs cramp up one more time today 😭😭
Lovely afternoon
Anyone in Clemmons?
I like lemons
Lemon lime.
On some tiddy
I mean.
Sounds like a solid time too me
Lemons are too bitter, I prefer pears
Pears aren’t too bad, peaches are where it’s at
Peaches are sweet
Sometimes pineapples pop up that really taste good
Dry fruit, time to make GORP