Hey! I don’t scare that easily. This room is just a weird vibe now
>>> Hey! I don’t scare that easily. This room ...
Nah he should eaither be a faithful husband or have a gun get real friendly with his head
Weird how? Seems like most of anti is in a weird spot though
The only thing that stays the same is change 😂
I think Mr is passive aggressively calling us weird and losers
Loser may be a tad bit more subjective for my taste, but I’m def weird 🤪
I hope your day was well It's just us in here would like to pm have a chat and vibe ?
I’m proudly a weird loser 😤
Nothing to be ashamed of!
Plenty I prob should be ashamed of but ain’t
We are all weird in our own way
Shame is just another mental drain
To Riley’s point, if your not weird than your too boring
Speaking weird, what’s the next anime you got for me Trevor
You know you loved dandadan
I caught up on jujutisu Kaisen last night omg shinbsyu incident was soooo good
Have you finished the series? Trevor
As far as they’ve released
Daredevil is out on Disney. So far it sucks
The Netflix one was popular surprised they jumped back in
Well, there’s no Daredevil in Daredevil.
Not surprised that Disney would ruin another franchise
Just a series with Matt Murdock doing mundane court cases
How does daredevil have no daredevil in it 🤪
Big ending… he teams up with she hulk on a case!
Yea idk I watch super hero movies for the superheroes