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>>> Usually just take it with some meds 😅 Smoke some weeds
Hellos beautifuls and handsomes 😘🫶🏼😻
Hello hermosa Lola!
I hope your doing as wonderful as you make me feel Everytime you are around
Helloooooo Trevieeee trevorrr 😻😻 yes I am doing well just getting ready to light it up 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼
What are you up to my sweetheart?
Just got home about to workout
Light up what 😳
Let’s ride
Who’s up
A toke 😝
Frankie darling 😘🫶🏼😻
Lola bb😘😘😘🍑🤏
Sup notorious 🙌🙌🙌
Sup Frank
Hey Lola
Hey Notorious 🫶🏼
What are you up to
I said the same thing
Watching tv bb
Debating to Watch TV or sleep
I can’t sleep. So tv time
Can’t sleep
I want sleep but as soon as I lay down sleep goes away
Oh I hate that feeling
Sir Riley good afternoon to you sweetheart 😘😘😘🫶🏼😻
Madam Lola, good afternoon to you as well ma’lady 🥰🥰🥰🥰🫶
Hopefully you’re having either a restful or productive Sunday?
I’m incorporating a balance
Afternoon everyone
Pinkyyyyy thy beautiful goddess 😘😘😘🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼😻😻😻
Balance is always preferable!
Afternoon pinky pie 😍
I will be back laterz 😘😘😘
Does this mean your buying a walking cane?
Omg yes i should get one